Internship Physical and Chemical Analysis – Teijin Aramid – Arnhem

  • Arnhem

Teijin Aramid

Internship Fiber Physics

Innovation and sustainability, that is the focus of the R&D projects at Teijin Aramid, market leader in high performance aramids. You contribute to our research and innovations as Intern Fiber Physics. You work within the department Physical and Chemical Analysis of the Research and Innovation Centre of Teijin Aramid in Arnhem.

The department

The Physical and Chemical Analysis department (RPC) carries out research into high-performance aramid materials. The physical analysis team focuses on characterizing the structure and physical properties of those materials (yarn, paper, fabric) under forms of “stress” (load, temperature, humidity), relevant in various applications. We use the acquired knowledge to contribute to process- and product development. We also support the Sales & Marketing organization through product evaluation and application research, specifically for Cables & Composites and Ballistics. The expertise of RPC includes fiber mechanics and ballistics, structural studies, thermal analysis, microscopy and interferometry, molecular modeling and physical modeling.

The assignment

Structural studies on various materials are carried out in the XRD lab of the department. Our Bruker D8 XRD diffractometer with Eiger detector replaces an older D8 Advance instrument. The D8-Eiger is very versatile: it can operate with point or line collimation, in transmission or reflection geometry with the detector in 0D, 1D or 2D mode. Your assignment consists of automating the D8-Eiger together with its sample robot in the various measurement configurations, suitable for a range of different measurements. This application development includes:

  • Write C# scripts automating the various measurement modes;
  • Carry out test measurements using various sample types.
  • This internship can be a work-along internship or a graduation project.

    Your profile

    3rd or 4th HBO student in the direction of Physics or 3rd year Bachelor or Master student in Physics at a (Technical) University.


    Minimum 3 months. Negotiable starting point, preferably as soon as possible.

    More information

    If you wish to know more about this internship, please contact Enno Klop, +31 15858727, email

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